4 Most Important Logo Design Trends for 2022

Logos can make or break your brand. A great logo makes your brand stand out and builds trust. Most importantly, it helps people remember and distinguish your brand among others. That’s why it’s essential to keep up with trends or consider using an logo maker free for a faster transition.

With this, you would want to pique the attention of your target audience with your logo by looking into the logo design trends 2022 will bring.

simple logo design trends generated by ai logo maker

4 Most Important Logo Design Trends

There are many logo design trends that we’ve seen over the years. As a business, it is vital to stay up-to-date on these trends so you can create a compelling and visually appealing logo for your company. 

Here are some of the most essential logo design trends of 2022 and beyond:

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1) Simple and Basic Shapes

The year 2021 marked a pivotal year for logo design. Bolder and more innovative designs emerged. As a new year turns, the graphic design trends 2022 will bring are quite different from the previous year. 

Today’s audiences are constantly stimulated with content online. In turn, people’s attention span is getting shorter. This makes it important to create a simple logo design trends so people can remember it easily. Hence, there is a tendency for companies to rebrand using simple and basic shapes.

geometric shapes in yellow color and red background for logo design trends

One example is Google. The previous logo was in a serif font, which was changed to a sans-serif font. The colors of green, red, blue, and yellow were retained but in a softer tone. 

Now, it’s simpler, more modern, and playful. This logo design update is meant to reflect the company’s changes, particularly in ensuring the logo still looks good and clear on smaller screens. People are using mobile devices more and more for browsing, making it a crucial consideration for many brands when designing their logos.

2) Vibrant Colors

Color is one of the main considerations to make a great logo. Colors make logos eye-catching. 

Bold, garish colors contrasted with simple layouts will continue to be in logo design trends. However, you also have to select the colors based on the values that you want your brand to exude.

different shades of vibrant color on crayola for logo design trends

Over the years, vibrant logos remained a trend. Therefore, this is one aspect that you can explore as you plan for your logo or rebranding. 

In a Reader’s Digest article, various brands and companies with red logos were mentioned. These brands and companies are very successful in brand recognition like Netflix and McDonald’s. 

Why? Photoreceptors in the eye are highly sensitive to long-wavelength light, of which we perceive red.

Hence, the trend of using vibrant colors like blue, red, and yellow is here to stay. Albeit this trend, the best colors for logos are highly dependent on the branding and values of your company. Take for example the following colors and the brands which were successfully associated to each:

  • Blue – trustworthy, security, dependable (Volkswagen)
  • Black – elegance, luxury (Chanel)
  • Red – excitement, bold, energy (Netflix, Coca Cola)
  • Green – health, relaxation, nature (Animal Planet, Tropicana)

3) Sans-Serif Logos

According to Apartment Therapy’s article, minimalism is going to be a trend for living spaces. But this trend will be in not just in interiors It’s also evident in logos with rising companies like Meta using a minimalist design. 

Sans-serif is popular in modern logos. Based on the research of jpgdesigns, 18% of the Fortune 500 logos used serif fonts. Sans-serif fonts are a great choice since they are versatile. It can be used for a mass-market brand or something very niche. It is easy to match your brand values.

4) AI-Generated Designs

In a 2021 Forbes article, experts projected an increase in AI usage across businesses that will result in $2.9 trillion of business value. At this point, AI along with technology like remote work software will continue to infiltrate different industries including the creation of logos.

social media logos in square shape on the full screen website of an Apple MACbook

With just a few clicks and entering of information about your company, AI-powered software may come up with a wide array of options. Logo Maker AI is one platform that has a logo builder which creates unique and new designs for each user.

Unlike other photo editing applications, Logo Maker AI does not use fixed templates. Elements, symbols, and colors of your logo will be automated in consideration of your brand.

Creating your own logo

As you create your own logo, don’t forget to conduct industry research. You can use the best online AI logo generator platform but still remain unnoticed by your target audience. Your logo should appeal to your ideal customer and one way to ensure this is by looking at your competition.

Aside from keeping up with the branding logo design trends 2022 has, do your due diligence in researching what is out there. From here, you can start looking for platforms, software, and apps that hold the elements or features that are common in the industry that you are in. 

Once you have an idea of the usual logos in the industry, it’s time to decide on the type of logo you wish to use– wordmark or symbol logo design. It’s best to create options if you’re creating from scratch. If you’re using an app, then it’s best to find one that offers both types of logos.

Create a logo with AI in seconds!

Lastly, think about the associations that you would like people to make with your brand. Create different versions of your logo with varying color combinations.

If you wish to explore AI-generated designs for your brand, Logo Maker AI will help you define your logo style. Get in touch with us to know more.
